Merging 2 strenghts in 1 company.
A real estate development team was operating under 2 different entities, Arthus and Sobradis. Both operated in markets that used to be separate, though societal trends are nudging firmly towards mixed real estate development where commercial and residential locations are blended. Merging both companies under one brand seemed an obvious choice, however not without challenges: should one of the existing names prevail, or would a new one signal a new ambition? What is the impact?
Mad about you performed a strategic naming analysis, reflecting the future ambitions of the company. Initial assumptions where set aside and room was given towards a new name Zabra.
Next, mad about you developed the brand identity of the new company, using shapes and colours that make the company really stand out in the real estate market. A clear set of guidelines and templates were designes to support the successful launch of Zabra.
“Mad about you is er uitzonderlijk goed in geslaagd om verschillende visies van diverse directieleden te vertalen in een nieuwe naam, logo en identiteit van ons bedrijf. Mad about you kon de verschillende dynamieken sterk inschatten en deze goed vertalen in de vormgeving. We zijn dan ook heel tevreden met het eindresultaat.”
Laurens Brantegem, Director Sales & Marketing